Serafine Borealis, a sovereign witch, high priestess, shaman, and way shower, weaves her life’s tapestry from threads of love, truth, and unwavering integrity. Her journey began with a mother who wore many hats: a founding member of the Dallas Methodist Church in her first marriage, a bacon-eating, scotch-drinking Muslim in her second, and an anthropologist turned shaman. Theology intrigued Serafine from a tender age, fueled by the eclectic blend of spiritual influences at home.

At fourteen, she delved into A Course in Miracles, a book that revealed Jesus’ true message of unconditional love. Simultaneously, she immersed herself in indigenous sweat lodges and motivational talks led by Lynn Andrews in her hometown of Houston. Her adulthood unfolded as a relentless exploration of world religions. Christianity, with its focus on material wealth, left her wanting more. Buddhism, a religion she adored, couldn’t fully quench her thirst for understanding the mysteries.

In college, after serving in the U.S. Navy, Hinduism captured her heart. But it was a chance encounter with a German witch in the Bavarian Alps that ignited her soul. The seasons of the earth, the moon’s playful dance, and the whispered voices of plants, animals, stones, stars, and mushrooms resonated deeply. The Divine Feminine beckoned—a refuge from the toxic patriarchy that shaped her upbringing.

Now, two decades later, Serafine walks a path rooted both in shamanism and animism—a path that embraces the sacredness of all life. Her community, a tapestry of authentic souls from diverse backgrounds, gathers regularly to celebrate rituals, honor seasons, and embrace their truest selves by standing in their sovereign power. Serafine Borealis, a beacon of wisdom and love, continues to illuminate the way for others on their spiritual quests. 🌟

Serafine lives with her husband, six fur babies and four beehives on the sacred land of the Sabinal Canyon in the Texas Hill Country. You can often find her walking through and meditating inside the 38’ stone Santa Rosa Labyrinth (aka the Heartspace Labyrinth) that was built on the land she occupies with her family during the 2020 shutdown. 

Contact Serafine Borealis at